Apache will not start. Error log contains:- [emerg] (28)No space left on device: Couldn’t create accept lock or [crit] (28)No space left on device: mod_rewrite: could not create rewrite_log_lock Configuration Failed Checking your disk shows that you have plenty of space. The problem is that apache didn’t shut down properly, and it’s left myriads of semaphore-arrays left, owned by my apache-user. Run:- ipcs -s | grep...
Looking for tips and tricks on how to speed up your WordPress blog? wp-config.php is one of the WordPress configuration file which you can leverage to optimize the performance. One of the option to speed up your WordPress is install W3 Total Cache plugin. W3 Total Cache is better than WP Super Cache plugin as it provides more option for caching such as page and SQL query caching together with CDN platform. Although you have W3 Total Cache plugin...
Apache server response codes Introduction Whenever a user sends a request to a server, a process called a ‘handshake’ begins where the server and your computer communicate and the server makes sure it can accommodate what your user has requested of it. This means being able to make the connection between the two computers and then completing the transfer of data. Headers are short fragments of text which are generated by servers to hold...
ps -axo “%C %p” |sort -nr |head -5 |while read i p; do echo -n $i; /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl fullstatus |grep -A 1 $p; done there is also a python script for that : apache-top.py . you can donwload it from: http://www.fr3nd.net/projects/apache-top/. it’s a nice tool but still need some customization.
The following steps will allow a custom php.ini file on an account when using FCGI as the PHP handler. Copy and Edit default php.ini Code:cd /home/user/public-html/cgi-bin cp /usr/local/lib/php.ini /home/user/public_html/cgi-bin vi php.iniAs a test change one of the variables like register_globals from: Code:register_globals = OffTo: Code:register_globals = OnIf yours was On, then do the reverse. This is simply to test it changes...