In Amazon Web Services it’s possible to enable logging for the whole VPC (CloudTrail) or for various services provided by Amazon, like S3. These logs get stored in S3 buckets. They are generated every few minutes in the case of CloudTrail, or every few seconds in the case of S3. CloudTrail logs are somewhat easier to manage because they are grouped by day, but S3 logs are all stored in one “folder”, so after some time there can be tens of thousands of files making it hard to find something unless you know exactly what you’re looking for.

Mostly a learning project, this script provides functions to “collapse” many files into one. Written in Python, tested on FreeBSD and Linux, it uses Amazon’s Python SDK, boto. Obviously, boto must be installed and configured with the proper credentials. It downloads the files for a certain period of time, concatenates them into one file, uploads the new file to S3, then deletes the concatenated files from S3 and local. The basic idea would be to get all logs for a certain day/hour into one file, making it easier to find something in those logs later. Might need some code adapting.

The code is on Github, this page might not have the latest version.

import logging
import os
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import boto
def collapse(s3bucket, inPrefix, outFile, outKey, outMaxSize=2*1024*1024*1024, outRRS = False):
    concatenate all (small) files passed to the funtion into one larger one
    downloads keys (files) that match inPrefix, concatenates all of them
    into outFile uploads outFile to outKey, then deletes downloaded keys
        s3bucket object. must already be initiated
    inPrefix (str)
        prefix used to list keys, like wildcard (i.e. path/to/files*)
    outFile (str)
        local file name that the others will be collapsed into
    outKey (str)
        S3 key where the contents of outFile will be written to (i.e. uploaded file)
    outMaxSize (int)
        if the outFile size grows over this value, raise exception and cancel.
        defaults to 2GB, set to 0 to disable
    outRRS (str)
        if True the new key will be set to use Reduced Redundancy Storage
    # open outFile in binary mode because get_contents_* returns bytes
    with open(outFile, mode=‘wb’) as outFD:
        inKeys = s3bucket.list(inPrefix)
        if len(list(inKeys)) == 0:
  ‘  No files for this prefix’)
        inSize = 0‘  Downloading {:d} keys’.format(len(list(inKeys))))
        # True if the last file loaded was .gz, False otherwise
        wasGzip = None
        for inKey in inKeys:
            # keep track of total size to check at the end
            inSize = inSize + inKey.size
            # create a temporary file that will reside in memory until it reaches
            # 16MB, at which point it gets written to disk. default is binary mode
            with tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size = 16*1024*1024) as tempFD:
                # move back to start of file
                if wasGzip == None:
                    wasGzip = isGzip(tempFD,
                if isGzip(tempFD, != wasGzip:
                    # raise exception, we don’t want to combine gzip and non-gzip files
                    if wasGzip:
                        fileType = ‘not gzip’
                        filesType = ‘gzip’
                        fileType = ‘gzip’
                        filesType = ‘not gzip’
                    raise Exception(‘File {} is {}, but the other files so far were {}’.format(, fileType, filesType))
                # read tempfile 256KB at a time, write to outFile
                inChunk =*1024)
                while len(inChunk):
                    inChunk =*1024)
            if  outMaxSize > 0 and outFD.tell() > outMaxSize:
                raise RuntimeError(“Output file size bigger than the maximum of “ + str(outMaxSize) + “B. Removed “ \
                        + outFile + “, canceling operation”)
        # any problems should have already interrupted execution,
        # but this double-check is cheap
        outSize = outFD.tell()
        if inSize != outSize:
            raise RuntimeError(“Collapsed file size of “ + str(outSize) + ” bytes is different than the expected “ \
                    + str(inSize) + ” bytes!”)
    # files downloaded and concatenated, uploading outFile
    # could maybe go with multipart uploads here‘  Uploading {} ({:d} Bytes) to {}’.format(outFile, outSize, outKey))
    outKeyD = s3bucket.new_key(outKey)
    outKeySize = outKeyD.set_contents_from_filename(outFile, replace=False, reduced_redundancy=outRRS, cb=s3_progress, num_cb=3)
    if outKeySize == None:
        outKeySize = 0
    if outKeySize != outSize:
        raise RuntimeError(“Uploaded file size (“ + str(outKeySize) + “B) differs from local file size (“ + str(outSize) + “B)”)
    # DELETE COLLAPSED KEYS‘  Removing {:d} keys’.format(len(list(inKeys))))
    for inKey in inKeys:
def s3_progress(current, total):
    called by s3 upload/download functions to display progress
    ”’‘    Transferred {:d}%’.format(int(current/total*100)))
def dtm_to_s3_log(dtm, increment):
    convert datetime to a string like 2014-12-31
    will convert dtm to the appropriate prefix string, depending
    on the selected incrment. For S3 logs, which have names like
    dtm (datetime)
        object to be converted
    increment (str)
        what kind of stepping will be used
    # {:%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-}
    if increment == “d”: # day
        dtstr = ‘{:%Y-%m-%d}’.format(dtm)
    elif increment == “H”: # hour
        dtstr = ‘{:%Y-%m-%d-%H}’.format(dtm)
    elif increment == “M”: # minute
        dtstr = ‘{:%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M}’.format(dtm)
    elif increment == “S”: # second
        dtstr = ‘{:%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S}’.format(dtm)
    elif increment == “m”: # month
        dtstr = ‘{:%Y-%m}’.format(dtm)
    elif increment == “Y”: # year
        dtstr = ‘{:%Y}’.format(dtm)
        raise RuntimeError(‘increment “‘ + increment + ‘” undefined, aborting’)
    return dtstr
def isGzip(fd, fn=None):
    determines if file is a gzip archive or not
    checks magic number (first two bytes) and file extension if passed a file
    name in order to determine if file is a gzip archive. returns True or False
    if a file name is also passed to the function, it return True if and only if
    file extension is ‘.gz’ AND first two bytes are ‘1f 8b’. if only the magic
    number should be checked, don’t give it a file name
    fd (file descriptor)
        file descriptor. implies file is already open
    fn (str)
        file name
    byte1 =
    byte2 =
    # check magic number
    if byte1 == b‘\x1f’ and byte2 == b‘\x8b’:
        hasBytes = True
        hasBytes = False
    # check extention
    if type(fn) is str:
        if fn[3:len(fn)] == ‘.gz’:
            hasExtension = True
            hasExtension = False
        hasExtension = True
    return hasBytes and hasExtension
def collapse_s3(s3bucket, s3inDir, s3outDir=None, dateStart=None, dateEnd=None, increment=“d”, outRRS = False):
    mass collapse S3 logs generated in the specified time period
    start date and end date both default to yesterday unless specified
    so, if only dateStart is specified it will group logs from
    startDate to yesterday
    Ex.: collapse_s3(myBucket, ‘logs/s3logs/’, dateStart = datetime(2014,7,29))
        bucket object. must already be initiated
    s3inDir (str)
        s3 ‘path’ where the logs reside
    dateStart (datetime)
        collapse logs starting this day…
    dateEnd (datetime)
        …up to this day, inclusive. by default, yesterday 23:59:59
    increment (str)
        how to group logs. (d)aily/(H)ourly/(M)onthly
    s3outDir (str)
        directory where the resulting file will be stored on S3.
        if unspecified it will be the same as s3inDir
    outRRS (boolean)
        use Reduced Redundancy Storage for the new file or not
        passed on to collapse()
    if increment == “d”:
        timeStep = timedelta(days = 1)
    elif increment == “H”:
        timeStep = timedelta(hours = 1)
    elif increment == “M”:
        timeStep = timedelta(minutes = 1)
        raise RuntimeError(‘increment “‘ + increment + ‘” undefined, aborting’)
    if dateEnd == None:
        # yesterday, one second before midnight
        dateEnd = datetime(,, timedelta(seconds=1)
        if dateStart == None:
            # yesterday, midnight
            dateStart = datetime(dateEnd.year, dateEnd.month,
    if type(dateStart) != type( or type(dateStart) != type(dateEnd) or dateEnd < dateStart:
        raise Exception(“Start/End dates ({}/{}) are wrong somehow”.format(str(dateStart), str(DateEnd)))
    s3inDir = os.path.join(s3inDir, )
    if s3outDir == None:
        s3outDir = s3inDir
        s3outDir = os.path.join(s3outDir, )
    outDir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), )
    dateCurrentLogs = dateStart
    while dateCurrentLogs <= dateEnd:
        prefix = dtm_to_s3_log(dateCurrentLogs, increment)
        inPrefix = s3inDir + prefix + “-“
        outFile = outDir + prefix + ‘_collapsed’
        outKey = s3outDir + prefix + ‘_collapsed’‘{0}/{1}’.format(, inPrefix))
        collapse(s3bucket, inPrefix, outFile, outKey, outRRS = outRRS)
        dateCurrentLogs = dateCurrentLogs + timeStep
def collapse_ctrail(s3bucket, region=None, account=None, s3outDir=None, dateStart=None, dateEnd=None, increment=“d”, outRRS = False):
    mass collapse CloudTrail logs generated in the specified time period
    start date and end date both default to yesterday unless specified
    if only dateStart is specified it will group logs from
    startDate to yesterday
    Ex.: collapse_ctrail(myBucket, ‘us-east-1’, ‘12345678900’, datestart = datetime(2014,7,29), outRRS = True)
        bucket object. must already be initiated
    s3outDir (str)
        directory where the resulting file will be stored on S3.
        if unspecified it will be the same as s3inDir
        takes precedent over region/account
    region (str)
        if specified it will be used along with account to construct
        s3dirIn and s3outDir
    dateStart (datetime)
        collapse logs starting this day…
    dateEnd (datetime)
        …up to this day, inclusive. by default, yesterday 23:59:59
    increment (str)
        how to group logs. (d)aily/(H)ourly/(M)onthly
    outRRS (boolean)
        use Reduced Redundancy Storage for the new file or not
        passed on to collapse()
    if dateEnd == None:
        # yesterday, one second before midnight
        dateEnd = datetime(,, timedelta(seconds=1)
        if dateStart == None:
            # yesterday, midnight
            dateStart = datetime(dateEnd.year, dateEnd.month,
    dt = dateStart
    while dt <= dateEnd:
        if type(region) is str and type(account) is str:
            s3inDir = ‘AWSLogs/{}/CloudTrail/{}/{:%Y/%m/%d}/’.format(account, region, dt)
            raise Exception(“Region and/or account not specified”)
        s3inFile = ‘{}_CloudTrail_{}_{:%Y%m%d}T’.format(account, region, dt)
        s3inPrefix = s3inDir + s3inFile
        if type(s3outDir) is str:
            # defined, all good
            pass # Python doesn’t like empty blocks
        elif type(region) is str and type(account) is str:
            s3outDir = ‘AWSLogs_collapsed/{}/CloudTrail/{}/’.format(account, region)
            raise Exception(“s3outDir could not be defined”)
        fileName = ‘{}_CloudTrail_{}_{:%Y%m%d}_collapsed’.format(account, region, dt)
        outDir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), )
        outFile = ‘{}{}’.format(outDir, fileName)
        s3outFile = ‘{}{}’.format(s3outDir, fileName)‘{}: {} -> {}’.format(, s3inPrefix, s3outFile))
        collapse(s3bucket, s3inPrefix, outFile, s3outFile, outRRS = outRRS)
        dt = dt + timedelta(days=1)

The main function is collapse(), it does the whole download -> concatenate -> upload process, the rest are helpers. Hopefully the comments explain what’s going on. These functions need the connection to AWS and to the bucket to already be established and receive it as parameter.

Here’s one example of how to use it:

from s3collapse import *
logging.basicConfig(format=‘%(asctime)s %(message)s’, level=logging.INFO)
s3conn = boto.connect_s3(profile_name=‘boto_profile’)
s3bucket = s3conn.get_bucket(‘s3logs_bucket’)
collapse_s3_backlog(s3bucket, ‘prefix/for/s3/logs/’, datetime(2014,5,31), datetime(2014,10,31))

Opens a connection to S3 bucket named “s3logs_bucket” using the specified profile, previously configured for boto, then calls collapse_s3_backlog(), which will group by day logs between 31st of May 2014 and 31 October 2014, inclusive.